Her One Thing

17. You Already Have What It Takes

Episode Summary

So often, we tell ourselves stories of why we can't achieve our dreams. In this episode, host Kristin Zeier serves a dish of inspiration that will remind you that you already have what it takes inside of you & in the world around you to make your dreams a reality.

Episode Notes

In episode 17 of the Her One Thing podcast, host Kristin Zeier first reviews her new approach to goal setting. The point of this is to demonstrate that goal setting, goal management and goal mastery is an art. There isn't a one size fits all approach. 

It's a good idea to continuously tweak your goal setting and management process. Despite what experts say is the best approach, you have to find what works best for your personality, your energy, your life and your time. 

What's important is that you find a method that you can stick to, that you find joy in, is effective and that moves the needle on what you are set out to accomplish. 

Next, Kristin moves into providing a dose of inspiration to remind you that you already have what it takes inside of you to create your dream life. So often, we tell ourselves BS stories and excuses of why we can't do it.

This isn't true. These are old limiting beliefs that are replaying throughout your mind. The truth is, you do have what it takes inside of you already. 

Not only do you have what it takes, but you have an abundance of resources at your fingertips to find the answers to things you do not know. There is free information everywhere. Or, as Kristin recommends, you can invest in yourself by purchasing books, courses, coaching or programs to further deepen your knowledge and skillset. 

We live in a time where the opportunities are more expansive than any other time in history. We truly have the ability to design our own lives on our own terms. This is incredible. You have what it takes - you know you do.

The question is, are you going to answer that calling of your soul?

Book Recommendation:

-Everything is Figureoutable by Marie Forleo

Connect with Kristin:

-Instagram: @heronething

-Email: Kristin@itsthatonething.com