Her One Thing

11. Why You're Not Achieving Your Goals

Episode Summary

In this episode, host Kristin Zeier shares the top reasons why you're not accomplishing your goals. You might be surprised to find out that every reason is more connected than you think.

Episode Notes

In May of 2021, host Kristin Zeier joined the worldwide Own Your Future Challenge by Dean Graziosi and Tony Robbins. Within the challenge Facebook group, Kristin asked the question, "What is the biggest obstacle to achieving your goals?"

To her surprise, Kristin received over 1,300 responses. Being the analytical person she is, she categorized & analyzed the results in a spreadsheet. 

In episode 11, Kristin shares what the top 10 reasons are but she really hones in on the top 4 reasons. She identifies trends and how these reasons are universal to the human experience when it comes to goals. 

What might surprise you is that ~98% of reasons all tie back to just one thing. Kristin discusses this in detail and shares some ways that you can become more self-aware & start taking action. It's time to create the lives of our wildest dreams.