Her One Thing

34. Even the Hard Days Will Become the Good Ole Days

Episode Summary

Sometimes, we become so future focused that we forget to slow down, be present and appreciate that the best moments of our lives with our child(ren) are happening right here, right now. Even in the midst of the most challenging times as a single mom, these moments are some of the best moments of your life with your child(ren). In this episode, we explore the idea of present moment awareness as a single mom.

Episode Notes

In this episode, I share the emotional experience I had leading up to my son's 17th birthday a few weeks ago. It was as if the past 17 years of our lives together flashed before my eyes. 

In this moment, I had an epiphany. I realized that even though I am focused on creating my dream life and constantly bringing things to the next level for him and I, the days and years are passing quickly. At the end of the day, what matters most is being present and loving.

This episode serves as a nugget of insight for all ambitious single moms who are focused on those goals to also slow down and be present. For the days are long but the years are short. 


Her One Thing @heronething

Kristin Zeier @kristinzeier