Her One Thing

20. Knowing When To Walk Away

Episode Summary

One of the most empowering skills you can develop is knowing when to walk away from a person, situation or a thing. However, it's something that so many women struggle with. In episode 20, Kristin Zeier shares 5 questions to ask yourself when determining whether it's time to walk away.

Episode Notes

Have you ever been in a situation where you knew you needed to move on and walk away yet you felt conflicted and confused about the best course of action?

This could have been a job, a relationship, a sport or hobby, a habit or a lifestyle. 

Do you remember how that felt? On one hand, it’s comfortable to stay with what is familiar. Yet, you know you need to make a change when that subtle voice inside is nudging you day after day. 

What did you do? How did you handle it?

In episode 20 of the Her One Thing podcast, host Kristin Zeier dives into the topic of knowing when to walk away. She shares a recent experience she had with this with a job change she had in spring of 2021. 

She also shares that this is not a unique dilemma for her. So many women struggle with knowing when to walk away.

This quote by Andrew Tew sums it up perfectly, "Respect yourself enough to walk away anything that no longer serves you, grows you or makes you happy."

When you are faced with something that you aren't sure whether to walk away from, consider these 5 questions:

1.Does it serve me?

2.Does it help me grow?

3.Does it make me happy?

4.Does it align with my vision for the future?

5.What is my intuition or inner knowing telling me?

Kristin goes on to share that through intentional silence or meditation, the answer will come to you if you are patient and consistent. 

You deserve to live the life of your dreams. Even if you're not grappling with walking away from an external circumstance currently (such as a job or relationship), there is likely a thought pattern or habit that is no longer serving you, growing you or making you happy.

The best way to live out your aligned purpose and dream life  is to continuously improve, evolve and grow. Kristin encourages you to identify one thing that you can walk away from that will bring you one step closer to that life you dream of creating. 

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Website: https://www.itsthatonething.com