Her One Thing

10. Permission To Dream Bigger

Episode Summary

If you're looking for permission to dream bigger and go deeper, this is it. In episode 10, Kristin reveals the four biggest blocks that prevent people from achieving their goals, along with permission to think bigger & dream harder.

Episode Notes

Episode 10 of the Her One Thing podcast reveals the most common four blocks that people have when it comes to reaching their goals:

Host Kristin Zeier discovered these results when she polled 1,110 people in the Own Your Future Challenge Facebook group in May of 2021. 

To understand what is holding you back when dreaming bigger in your life, you first must become self-aware of what you're thinking and believing. Kristin recommends that you practice self-awareness exercises such as journaling and meditation. 

You want to get to a place where you become the observer of your own thoughts. Once you learn to observe your thoughts objectively, you can ask yourself why you believe that. It's then that you can start to reframe your beliefs around what is possible and thus, dream bigger. 

Kristin also discusses which piece of the puzzle is the most important when reaching a goal or dream: belief that it can be done. If there is too much self-doubt present, then the goal or dream will never come to fruition.

In 2021, we have endless possibilities. As women, we have more options and opportunities than ever before in history. Why not dream bigger and go deeper?

Book Mention: Everything Is Figureoutable by Marie Forleo

Connect with Kristin on Instagram @heronething